
41057 NC Highway 12, Unit 2
Avon, North Carolina 27915

The condo telephone number


GPS Coordinates

35 degrees 20.791 minutes          -75 degrees 30.133 minutes

35.346517 degrees          -75.502217degrees

35 degrees 20 minutes 46.46 minutes          -75 degrees 30 minutes 7.98 seconds

(to the parking space I normally park at)

Amateur radio grid square


Garmin Nuvi 2597 GPS Route Coordinates

for TWO (!) routeS around

the Washington, DC to Norfolk, VA corridor

The below files are for two route that eliminates the horrible traffic in and around Washington, DC south to Norfolk, Virginia.  If traffic is running completely smooth in Washington and south, these routes will take longer.  If traffic around Washington and south is all bumbled up, as it always is, these routes will save a lot of time.

Here are Google Map links to the two routes:

Ohio to the OBX via 77

OBX to Ohio via I-77

Ohio to the OBX outside of Washington, D.C.

OBX to Ohio outside of Washington, D.C.

To use these files, you import them into Garmin Basecamp and then upload them into your GPS.

20190825 North Olmsted to OBX via 77

20190825 OBX to North Olmsted via 77

201810 North Olmsted to OBX via PA

201810 OBX to North Olmsted via PA



